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Members' Rights and Responsibilities

CASLI is required to hold an Annual General Meeting each year. Our association operates within a democratic policy-setting process. The AGM is an opportunity for members to discuss proposed changes (motions) in order to provide direction to the board.  Motions carried become policy and direct the future work of our association.

Your Rights & Responsibilities


All Active members of CASLI have a right and a responsibility to participate in the governance of our association. The fundamental responsibility of membership is to support CASLI in fulfilling its mandate. The balance of rights and responsibilities are intertwined and are integral to the success of our association.


All members have a right to vote on motions that guide the continuance of CASLI’s vision, as well as the responsibility of understanding what these motions propose. And, all members have the vital responsibility of participating in general meetings where possible, or to submit a proxy to have their vote counted. Lastly, as members of CASLI, you have the right to expect all other members will equally fulfill their responsibilities to the organization.

General Meeting of Members

This year’s Annual General Meeting will follow Roberts Rules of Order to effectively and efficiently work through agenda items, new business, and the election of the incoming board of directors.  As part of this process, members have the right to ask questions, share information, move motions, and even suspend rules for more fulsome discussion where needed.

To do this, a motion to limit debate is moved at the start of the meeting; any member can move to suspend the accept limitation of debate to allow discussion on a topic to continue.

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